Accession Disease Description Year Source RNA-Seq Count Biomarkers
CCLE_copynum_21Q4 Colon Cancer Gene-level copy number data that is log2 transformed with a pseudo-count of 1; log2(CN ratio + 1) 2021 Cell Line Y 1850
GSE31586 Colon Cancer Breast, colon, glioblastoma, lung, melanoma, ovarian, pancreas, prostate tumors and cell lines. 2011 Tissue/Cell N 791
GSE40966 Colon Cancer Gene expression Classification of Colon Cancer defines six molecular subtypes with distinct clinical, molecular and survival characteristics [CGH] 2012 Tissue N 463
GSE14741 Colon Cancer FFPE study using MIP copy number platform - bladder/colorectal/kidney/liver 2009 Tissue N 46